Along the Dalilea Low Road

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Dalilea Low Road - OS Explorer 390, NM 711698

This is a fine route along the original public road to Dalilea. The only problem is that parking is difficult, it's best to leave the car at Langal but phone Mrs Duncan on 01967 431 229 to make sure they are not expecting any deliveries.

Walk up the hill, round the corner and turn off to the right. Just beyond the gate you will see the first of the cairns under the trees. These were funerary cairns built at resting spots of funerals on their way to St Finnan's Isle in the 18th and 19th Centuries. You will see many groups of these along the road, my highest count was 88 cairns, but there may be more.

Fish Rock
Fish Rock

When you reach the loch you will have a good view of Ben Resipol and you will be able to see Acharacle in the distance. There are some salmon rearing cages close to the shore and you may see herons and gulls hanging around in the hopes of a fish.

The track eventually meets the new road to Dalilea, where you turn left and head up the hill. On your left is Austin's Croft, a small house named after a local priest in the 18th Century.

At the top of the road you turn left and go down the hill for about a kilometre until you come to a bridge on a corner. This bridge was said to be haunted by a witch in the old days.

Leave the road here and go into the oak woods on the left. Get to the top of the first hillock and head west to the next one and you should find a big rock shaped like a fish. From here head back to the main road and go down to Langal again.

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