Expedition 184 - 5th January 2008
Camas Torsa Hill


Once again, it was far from perfect walking weather, but we got a fair turnout for the darkest expedition of the year. Seven explorers: Benjamin, Caleb, Caulay, Fern, Rowan, Sam and Thomas, seven adult helpers, Andy, Claire, Corinne, Howard, Pamela, Philippa and Sharon and two well-behaved dogs, Honey and Ellie.
We started off looking at the Cryptomeria and Douglas Fir trees near the Camas Torsa picnic site and then moved over to the burn which we followed up the hill walking under the larch trees. We stopped at the old stone road bridge under the Hydro Board wayleave and the explorers spent some time investigating the perfect corn kiln on the west bank of the burn. Pushing on through the drizzle we passed several of the old boundary walls of the crofting land.
We had a forecast of sunny spells and I was heartened to see sunshine at the top of the hill, hoping to get a nice expedition photograph with the aerial in the background. However, by the time everyone reached the top the sky was black and it was snowing, so the pictures have a rather stormy look. We retreated to a group of big trees for a wafer break and Honey did a bit of engineering on a small drainage ditch.
Then it was time to go back down and I picked a different route through the forestry, finding some nice cultivation ridges on the way. At the bottom I failed to avoid a group of fallen trees and then ended up with a steep slope to go down. Everyone but me got down well but I executed a fine swallow dive off the rocks. Fortunately I was wearing my hat and fortunately I landed on a nice soft patch of moss but unfortunately the moss was growing on a hard boulder. I ended up getting a plaster at The Pines before we all met up at the Pantry where Sheila was on hand with soup and toasties.
I have picked out Benjamin's nice sketch of Honey working in the drain.

John Dye

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