Expedition 48 - 8th July 2000
Arivegaig and Gorten

The weather was poor: midgy and with a thin rain, but there was a chance it would get better, so we, or most of us, put on some midge repellent and set off. The explorers were: David John, Frazer, John Donaldson, Iain, Kathryn and Robert, with two French explorers joining for the first time, Andreas and Marie, plus Sharon.

We started off from the Arivegaig parking place and walked southwards through the woods by the river and then climbed up the hill to Aird Iain. On the way, John showed the explorers some of the flowers and also the appearance of the wood, which indicated that it had been used for grazing for over a hundred years. Although the route was very rough, there were gateways in the fences which showed it was a long-established path. We found some interesting insects and had a look at some insectivorous plants and two orchids. Finally we got to the top of the wood and saw some of the walls of the old croft, but by this time Marie, who wasn't used to such rough country, was running out of steam and the rain was no better so we went back to the bridge.

Sharon and Marie went back while the rest of the team looked along the shore at the old shoreline track which was once the only way to reach two of the Arivegaig crofts. We saw hundreds of cast shells of small crabs and the boys rescued a jellyfish and put it back into the sea.

When Sharon returned we took the cars along to Gorten and looked at the tadpoles before taking a walk up the old track past Gorten House. We got right into the oak woods before the rains started really pouring and John decided to abandon further exploration. On the way back to the car most of the explorers went into the old kennels at Gorten and set up a frantic barking and howling. Then we all went back for drawing and lunch at Mave's.

The Pictures
Marie summarised her view of the expedition in a simple picture showing a bent tree, a stream and a lot of rain, Kathryn showed the Arivegaig Bridge with a butterfly in the water, which lain and Robert had rescued earlier. tain also showed the bridge, plus the two cars going down the track and the kennels with dogs inside. Robert, Frazer, David John and John Donaldson all showed views of a lacewing which David John found in the woods. Andreas made a painstaking picture of a round-leafed sundew. John Dye


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